Access: Labor

The Labor Access page allows you to define limitations to the records that can be accessed by labor resources who are also Maintenance Connection users. While general system access rights are defined by the access group the user belongs to, this page allows you to refine these rights to exclude access to particular records, such as report groups or locations. An option to define nearby labor is also provided to give the user easy access to labor resources located nearby.

Four access rights can be defined:

ClosedAccessible Locations for the Service Requester

If a labor record has access to the Service Requester, you can define the locations available for service requests. If no locations are defined, the user will only be able to enter general information about the item or location that requires service. If locations are defined, the user can select the specific location and asset from an available hierarchy.

If the user needs access the entire hierarchy from the Service Requester, you should ensure this record shows the root of the asset tree as an accessible location.

Although default accessible locations can also be defined from the member's access group, these are only applied to the labor record when the access group is initially assigned. If access group definitions have changed, these may not be reflected on the labor record. All accessible locations (or limitations) in effect for the displayed record will be shown on this Labor Access page. No additional values are in effect from the associated access group.

Add an accessible location for a labor record:

  1. Click the Add button for Accessible Locations (Service Requester).

    The Asset module lookup opens, allowing you to select one or more locations.

  2. Select the location you want to add.

  3. Click Apply.

    The lookup closes and the new location is added to the Accessible Locations list.

  4. Click Save.

Remove an accessible location from a labor record:

  1. Select the check box for the location you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove.

    The location is removed.

  3. Click Save.


ClosedAccessible Locations for the Main Application (MRO) and Technician WorkCenter

If a labor record has access to the Maintenance, Repair, and Operations Work Center (MRO) or Technician WorkCenter, this feature allows you to limit accessible locations. If no locations are defined, the user will have access to all locations. If locations are defined, the user only sees those locations in the Asset List. Adding the top level (root) node in the Asset List does not provide access to the entire tree. If you want to give access to the entire Asset List, do not list any locations.

Although default accessible locations can also be defined from the member's access group, these are only applied to the labor record when the access group is initially assigned. If access group definitions have changed, these may not be reflected on the labor record. All accessible locations (or limitations) in effect for the displayed record are shown on this Labor Access page. No additional values are in effect from the associated access group.

Add an accessible location for the labor record:

  1. Click the Add button for Accessible Locations (MRO / Technician WorkCenter).

    The Asset module lookup opens, allowing you to select one or more locations.

  2. Select the location you want to add.

  3. Click Apply.

    The lookup closes and the new location is added to the Accessible Locations list.

  4. Click Save.


Remove an accessible location from a labor record:

  1. Select the check box for the location you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove.

    The location is removed.

  3. Click Save.


ClosedNearby Locations

If a labor record has access to the Maintenance, Repair, and Operations WorkCenter (MRO), this feature allows you to define which locations should be included when the user is searching for labor nearby. The Labor Nearby filter allows users to quickly locate labor in close proximity to the specified asset when creating assignments or adding labor to a work order. Labor records from all locations below the chosen nearby locations appear in the Labor Nearby filter in the Work Orders module or Work Manager.

Add a nearby location for the labor record:

  1. Click the Add button Nearby Locations.

    The Asset module lookup opens, allowing you to select one or more locations.

  2. Select the location you want to add.

  3. Click Apply.

    The lookup closes and the new location is added to the Nearby Locations list.

  4. Click Save.


Remove a nearby location from a labor record:

  1. Select the check box for the location you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove.

    The location is removed.

  3. Click Save.


ClosedAccessible Report Groups

The Accessible Report Groups list can be used to limit the reports users can access. If no report groups are defined, the user will have access to all report groups defined for their access group. To limit to specific report groups, use the options on this page.

Aadd an accessible report group for the labor record:

  1. Click the Add… button for Accessible Report Groups.

    The Report Groups lookup opens, allowing you to select one or more report groups.

  2. Select the report group to be added. 

  3. Click Apply.

    The lookup closes and the new report group is added to the Accessible Report Groups list.

  4. Click Save.

Remove an accessible report group from a labor record:

  1. Select the check box for the report group to be removed. 

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click Save.